Robert Waller rw at protectheritage.com
Sun Apr 13 12:51:52 EDT 2014


Practical options for responsible packing and transport of cultural

Presented in coordination with AIC's 42nd Annual Meeting
Conscientious Conservation- Sustainable Choices in Collection Care 


This workshop takes place from 10 AM to 3 PM, May 27th 2014 at the Hyatt
Regency Embarcadero, San Francisco CA. Registration is $100 per person.


The workshop will explore the benefits and drawbacks of the reuse of
traditional custom wooden crates. This discussion includes input from
packing experts from three major museums and two highly respected Fine Art
service companies. 

It also includes an important crate and interior packing system from the
past that just may be due for a modern resurgence, as well as examples of
newer systems that "design-in" flexibility for reuse.

Also included - a survey of alternative non-wood crates that are currently
in use. Their advantages and limitations will be discussed. 

The utilization of non-art packing systems in the industrial sector which
can be re-purposed for use in the transport of cultural property will be
discussed, including the most proven and versatile system - commonly
referred to as the Kiva system. 

As well, recyclable alternatives to solid wood crates will be illustrated
that draw upon examples published in CCI Notes, the National Park Service's
Conserv-O-Grams and the early classic packing reference "Way to go"
published in 1985.

What about a proven system for moving collections that uses no boxes and no
crates all? Find out more at this workshop.

Finally discover how re-purposed commercial packaging systems may come to
your institutions rescue in a disaster situation. If you work in the Bay
Area you already have this free resource available to you! If not, be on the
look out as it may be coming to a city near you. 


More information at:

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