[Nhcoll-l] Publishing list of natural history collection in Minnesota

Bentley, Andrew Charles abentley at ku.edu
Tue Apr 29 17:13:25 EDT 2014


The best source for this would probably be GRBio – Global Registry of Biorepositories – www.grbio.org<http://www.grbio.org>.  This is an amalgamation of past efforts at cataloging natural history collections and biological repositories.  However, it is only as good as the community makes it so, if there are collections that you know of that are not listed, enter them to help expand its reach.

I see at least 18 listed for Missouri and 15 listed for Minnesota…


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Andy Bentley
Ichthyology Collection Manager
University of Kansas
Biodiversity Institute
Dyche Hall
1345 Jayhawk Boulevard
Lawrence, KS, 66045-7561

Tel: (785) 864-3863
Fax: (785) 864-5335
Email: abentley at ku.edu<mailto:abentley at ku.edu>

SPNHC President-Elect

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From: nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu [mailto:nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu] On Behalf Of Crystal Boyd
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2014 3:30 PM
To: nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu
Cc: Ron Huber
Subject: [Nhcoll-l] Publishing list of natural history collection in Minnesota

Hello, everyone. My name is Crystal Boyd, and I’m a bee researcher in Minnesota. Do you know of a publication that lists the natural history collections of Missouri? My colleague, Ron Huber, remembers that someone from the University of Missouri—St Louis published a list like this many years ago. If you have any tips about finding it, we’d appreciate your advice.
Also, I'm interested in similar publications that we could use as a template for compiling information about natural history collections in Minnesota. The idea is to report the collections that exist, contact information for their curators, and short descriptions of their holdings.
Thanks for your thoughts,
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