[Nhcoll-l] Listserv question-Adding Monetary Value to Paleo Collections

Moore, Kallie kallie.moore at mso.umt.edu
Mon Jan 13 13:08:15 EST 2014

To whomever(s) can answer this:

I've been trying to figure out how to add a monetary value to a paleontologic collection for insurance purposes.  I've talked to a few people who have said there might be a standard sq. ft. estimate to work with and I've also heard just take your top 10 or so specimens and get them appraised.  Sadly, our University doesn't have a record of our collection (!!!!) and this needs to be remedied, but I'm not sure how to apply a value to 40,000 specimens ranging from micro to macro, invert to vert, and even minerals/petrographic/economic specimens.

Any suggestions or resources are highly appreciated.


Kallie Moore

Collections Manager | UM Paleontology Center
The University of Montana | 32 Campus Dr. #1296 | Missoula, MT 59812
406.243.5151 - Office | 406.243.5406 - Collections Room | kallie.moore at mso.umt.edu

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