[Nhcoll-l] Cleaning Exhibits and Collections online class

helen at collectioncare.org helen at collectioncare.org
Mon Mar 24 02:36:17 EDT 2014

This online course offered by Northern States
Conservation Center at www.museumclasses.org may interest
nhcoll members:

MS217: Museum Cleaning Basics
Instructor: Gretchen Anderson
Apr 7 - May 16, 2014

Dirty museum exhibits result in poor visitor experience and
poor collections preservation. Participants learn when to
clean - and when not to clean. They also learn how to make
those decisions. Topics range from basic housekeeping to
specific techniques for specific objects. You will learn
why cleaning is important and how to prevent damage when
cleaning. We will look at specific techniques that minimize
damage while getting the work done. And we will discuss
when to call in a specialist, such as a conservator.
Students will create a housekeeping manual.

For more information:

Helen Alten
Northern States Conservation Center

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