[Nhcoll-l] iDigBio Paleo Digitization Working Group Webinar Solicitation

Talia S. Karim talia.karim at colorado.edu
Tue Jun 2 17:54:40 EDT 2015

Hello Paleo-Digitizers and NHCOLL-ers,

We are putting together another series of webinars for the iDigBio Paleo Digitization Working Group and would like to hear back from you on ideas for discussion topics and presentations you might like to give/share with the community, etc. For this series we plan on having a mix of presentations by people who have done or are doing novel things related to digitization in their collections, who are using digitized data for research or education/outreach, etc and also some more open discussions on topics that community members have expressed interest in learning more about.  We have a few speakers and discussion topics lined up, but we would love to hear from you about any ideas you might have.

Please email Talia Karim (talia.karim at colorado.edu<mailto:talia.karim at colorado.edu>) and Gil Nelson (gnelson at bio.fsu.edu<mailto:gnelson at bio.fsu.edu>) with your ideas and we will circulate a schedule in a few weeks.  The first webinar tentatively scheduled for August 11th at 3pm EST.


Talia Karim, PhD
Collection Manager
Invertebrate Paleontology
CU Museum of Natural History
University of Colorado
265 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0265

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