[Nhcoll-l] Call for Abstracts GSA 2015 Topical Session - Paleo Specimens from Public Lands

Hollis, Kathy A. HollisK at si.edu
Wed Jun 17 12:15:13 EDT 2015

Abstract submission is open for the 2015 GSA-Baltimore session T97 "Specimen-Based Research and the Reality of Paleontological Resource, Specimen and Data Management: Strengthening Partnerships among Federal Land Managers, Repositories, and Researchers."

The session is open to researchers, government land managers, and museum/repository workers who will highlight innovative and successful projects using fossils collected on public lands. There will be a moderated discussion and question and answer session with among the stakeholder representatives following the presentations.

We want this session to be constructive and focused on how the various stakeholders can work together to define tangible solutions to managing and accessing fossil specimens and associated data. The goal is to share what practices need to be in place for better science and resource management, including data accessibility and sharing. An ideal outcome would be to define what resources and funds are needed to have the highest level of accountability and accessibility required by all stakeholders.

This session is co-sponsored by the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, Paleontological Society, the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology and STEPPE (Sedimentary Geology, Time, Environment, Paleontology, Paleoclimatology, Energy).

Submission deadline is August 11, 2015. Submit abstracts here: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__gsa.confex.com_gsa_2015AM_top_papers_index.cgi-3Fsessionid-3D37945-26username-3D258050-26password-3D658048&d=AwIFAg&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=CLFZJ3fvGSmDp7xK1dNZfh6uGV_h-8NVlo3fXNoRNzI&m=-Bj3V003wnL8CRRitoNxDhnBBUJDcnsv6KpETWeMfMY&s=1z2h9F1Kt-2sZ1_xxdx157V2AXCFl4L4bdwO1EcLOoY&e= 

As a courtesy, please email your submitted titles to Kathy Hollis (hollisk at si.edu<mailto:hollisk at si.edu>)


Kathy A. Hollis

Collections Manager

Paleobiology Department

Smithsonian Institution

National Museum of Natural History

PO Box 37012, MRC 121

Washington, DC 20013-7012

Phone: 202.633.1357

Fax: 202.786.2832

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