[Nhcoll-l] Remote freezer monitoring

Gregory Brown gbrown1 at unl.edu
Tue Sep 22 00:01:06 EDT 2015

I believe that our Curator of Parasitology has a wireless monitor and warning system for our tissue freezer that calls him when there are problems.  Contact Scott Gardner at slg at unl.edu for information.


Gregory Brown
Chief Preparator, Vertebrate Paleontology
University of Nebraska State Museum (Retired 2014)

From: Krista Fahy 
Sent: Monday, September 21, 2015 5:28 PM
To: nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu 
Subject: [Nhcoll-l] Remote freezer monitoring

Hello Everyone,


Has anyone done a review of the systems available for remote monitoring of freezer temperatures? We are looking for something wireless for both our regular and tissue freezers which are in areas where an audible alarm might go unheard for a period of time.


Thanks in advance,


Krista Fahy



Krista A. Fahy, Ph.D.

Associate Curator of Vertebrate Zoology

Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History

2559 Puesta Del Sol Road, Santa Barbara CA 93105

(p) 805 682 4711 x155 | (f) 805 569 3170

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