[Nhcoll-l] tanned skins

Becky Desjardins becky.desjardins at naturalis.nl
Wed Feb 3 10:40:19 EST 2016


We have a large collection of tanned skins of large mammals. Some are
stiff, some are soft. I suspect many have arsenic.  I want to know how
other museums store these.  I am thinking some kind of archival bag?  I
welcome any suggestions. Thank you!

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Becky Desjardins

T 071-7519109 , M 06-16144902

Darwinweg 2 - 2333 CR Leiden
E Becky.Desjardins at naturalis.nl I , www.naturalis.nl

Due to the construction of new public museum facilities, depots, labs and
offices, the zoological, geological and paleontological collections of
Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden will be closed to all visitors,
including Synthesys Access applicants, as well as for all loan requests for
two months during March and April 2016, and for a period of about two
years from
August 2016 till summer 2018. The botany collections, housed elsewhere in
Leiden, will remain open to visitors and available for loans until further
announcement. In case of logistic questions and updates on planning and
progress, please check www.naturalis.nl or contact collectie at naturalis.nl. We
apologize for this inconvenience.
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