[Nhcoll-l] Palmer's Assorting locality

Mark O'Brien mfobrien at umich.edu
Thu Feb 4 10:06:17 EST 2016

I have been cleaning up our data before we move our specimen catalog from
Filemaker to Specify. There are a few oddball localities that I have been
unable to find.  This one -- "Palmer's Assorting" appears on specimens
associated with S.H. Scudder.  The specimens are species found in the
Western US, and I checked several Scudder papers but came up with nothing.
Has anyone else encountered this locality (if it is a locality)?




Mark F. O'Brien, Collection Manager

Insect Division, Museum of Zoology

The University of Michigan

1109 Geddes Avenue

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079



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