[Nhcoll-l] USDA approved treatment methods for imports

Ellen Paul ellen.paul at verizon.net
Wed Jan 6 15:15:59 EST 2016

I just had an inquiry from APHIS. The were wondering if anyone is using 
beta-propiolactone to treat samples and specimens for import (it's one 
of the methods listed on the APHIS permits).
As best they know, it is used mostly by commercial importers. There is 
some uncertainty about its effectiveness for samples and specimens, as 
in - it has never been validated. They are thinking of taking it off the 
approved treatment list for samples and specimens but wanted to 
determine if this would pose problems.

IF you use or anticipate needing to use beta-propiolactone, please 
contact me off-list.


Ellen Paul

Ellen Paul
Executive Director
The Ornithological Council
Email: ellen.paul at verizon.net
"Providing Scientific Information about Birds"
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