[Nhcoll-l] Fire Marshall Regulations

Sarah K. Huber skhuber at vims.edu
Tue Jun 21 14:17:52 EDT 2016

I might be opening a can of worms here, but I would be interested in hearing what regulations your local fire marshall has put into place regarding your wet collections (I am interested only in collections that store fluid preserved specimens in ethanol or isopropyl, including -80 freezers with tissues in ethanol). Everything from fire suppression systems to allowable jar sizes (jars no bigger or smaller than X). While we have not had any issues with our fire marshall, I would like to know what I might be up against in case we ever have problems in the future. We are also trying to plan for future renovation of our space, so having an idea of what might be required by a fire marshall for a facility such as ours would be helpful.

Sarah K. Huber, Ph.D.
Curatorial Associate, VIMS Nunnally Ichthyology Collection
Office 804.684.7104 | Collection 804.684.7285
skhuber at vims.edu | www.vims.edu
PO Box 1346 | 1375 Greate Rd., Gloucester Pt., VA 23062
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