[Nhcoll-l] Question About Validation of Scientific Collections

Furth, David FURTHD at si.edu
Wed Nov 9 15:42:11 EST 2016

I am forwarding this for a friend/colleague in the US Fish & Wildlife Service.  Any advice would be appreciated.

"I am trying to find some literature on Validation of Scientific Collections. I started a Wood Collection when I got to Ashland to be able to do the case work I came to do. Some of the wood came from Xylariums in Europe, the Forest Product Lab (USDA) in Madison, WI and a lot of it has been purchased from wood sellers in the US and Canada. Our identification techniques include wood anatomy and chemical analysis, we rely heavily on the chemistry (every species of wood has its own chemical profile--very cool). As we start to publish we are asked about who validated our material. Sometimes we can use the Xylarium information, but most commonly now, even the samples that come from Xylariums are not identified correctly. Anyway, wanted to see if you have any suggestions on literature in regards to this issues."

David G. Furth, Ph.D.
Emeritus Collections Manager & Research Associate
Department of Entomology
MRC 165, P.O. Box 37012
National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, D. C. 20013-7012  USA
Phone: 202-633-0990
Fax: 202-786-2894
Email: furthd at si.edu<mailto:furthd at si.edu>
Website: www.entomology.si.edu<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.entomology.si.edu_&d=CwIFAg&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=CLFZJ3fvGSmDp7xK1dNZfh6uGV_h-8NVlo3fXNoRNzI&m=FLtxbhkH2P4-ihdXGBG3Hhwre7Cfvo0fCvbJeO5i_Xw&s=9KuN3xfxTGqicNNh3jE_DJP27ClC6V0YLRFNMixe0C4&e= >

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