[Nhcoll-l] Possible dinosaur teeth ID

Jennifer Pietarila jen320 at gwmail.gwu.edu
Wed Oct 19 13:12:34 EDT 2016

Thank you to everyone who responded about to the mystery artifacts. I am
glad to know for sure that they are not dinosaur teeth!


On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 1:22 AM, Simon Moore <couteaufin at btinternet.com>

> Sea urchin spines Jennifert, Cidaris is the usual ‘culprit’.
> With all good wishes, Simon.
> Simon Moore MIScT, RSci, FLS, ACR
> Conservator of Natural Sciences and Cutlery Historian,
> www.natural-history-conservation.com
> On 18 Oct 2016, at 22:19, Jennifer Pietarila <jen320 at gwmail.gwu.edu>
> wrote:
> Hello!
> I have two pendants in the collection where I work and we are trying to
> figure out what material they are made of. These pendants were found in
> Eastern Washington as part of an archaeological survey. The records
> indicate that they were identified as dinosaur teeth, specifically
> Diplodocus.
> As I'm not an expert in the identification of dinosaur specific materials,
> I was wondering if someone could shed some light on these mystery pendants.
> Each piece has smooth micro grooves running longitudinally along the
> surface, three pinched ridges at the crown, and a circular groove at the
> root. I am not sure if the groove is natural or man-made. They are over 2
> inches in length (6.5 cm). I have attached a few pictures as examples.
> Thanks!
> Jennifer
> <Pendants 1.JPG><Pendants distal end.JPG>______________________
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