[Nhcoll-l] FW: Hurricane Matthew follow-up

Hawks, Catharine HawksC at si.edu
Thu Oct 27 16:24:36 EDT 2016

From: Foley, Lori [mailto:lori.foley at fema.dhs.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2016 3:55 PM
To: jfowler at achp.gov; jvaughan at aam-us.org; jackson at aaslh.org; RachelMinnery at aia.org; dpaul at aia.org; MelissaMorancy at aia.org; ewentworth at conservation-us.org; epourchot at conservation-us.org; junger at conservation-us.org; mdowling at ala.org; esheketoff at alawash.org; billingsley at blackmuseums.org; spicer at blackmuseums.org; AAMDGOV at aol.com; info at apti.org; lhortzstanton at ccaha.org; tcherubini at cosla.org; chenry at clir.org; awackerson at statearchivists.org; Kim_Harriz at ios.doi.gov; nicole_kruz at ios.doi.gov; Ketchum, John <John.Ketchum at fema.dhs.gov>; Defrancesco, Donna <Donna.Defrancesco2 at fema.dhs.gov>; Hass, Jennifer <jennifer.hass at hq.dhs.gov>; anha at loc.gov; hnic at loc.gov; caroline.alderson at gsa.gov; joan.brierton at gsa.gov; tpwhalen at getty.edu; cbodner at imls.gov; armstrong at iaem.com; info at iaem.com; anro at loc.gov; jdre at loc.gov; eeus at loc.gov; alha at loc.gov; doris.hamburg at nara.gov; ann.seibert at nara.gov; pamela.najar-simpson at nara.gov; preston.huff at nara.gov; Jami.Awalt at tn.gov; bambi at nathpo.org; hein at ncshpo.org; tsheets at csg.org; bbell at csg.org; anoruk at csg.org; tighet at arts.gov; ngardner at neh.gov; tausema at neh.gov; jwurl at neh.gov; kathleen.williams at nara.gov; lucy.barber at nara.gov; Ann_Hitchcock at nps.gov; mary_striegel at nps.gov; dwinslow at nsf.gov; BPahl at savingplaces.org; cturner at preserveart.org; lynda.lowe at sba.gov; Wegener, Corine <WegenerC at si.edu>; Tompkins, William <TompkinsW at si.edu>; Hawks, Catharine <HawksC at si.edu>; Johnson, Jill <JohnsonJ at si.edu>; Snell, Samantha <SnellS at si.edu>; nbeaumont at archivists.org; psaliga at sah.org; abentley at ku.edu; lford at oeb.harvard.edu; director at usicomos.org; lackerman at wmf.org; searl at wmf.org
Cc: Bowe, Stacy D. <BoweS at si.edu>; Madson, Stephanie <Stephanie.Madson at fema.dhs.gov>; Thurston, Eric <Eric.Thurston at fema.dhs.gov>; Bello, Charles <Charles.Bello at fema.dhs.gov>; Uhlan, Anita <Anita.Uhlan at fema.dhs.gov>; Klein, Chelsea <Chelsea.Klein at fema.dhs.gov>; Delaune, Jonathan <Jonathan.Delaune at fema.dhs.gov>; Coulter, Lois H <Lois.Coulter at fema.dhs.gov>; Grisham, Michael <Michael.Grisham at fema.dhs.gov>; Carter Davis, Cindy <cindy.carterdavis at fema.dhs.gov>
Subject: Hurricane Matthew follow-up

Dear Colleagues,

Attached please find emails to cultural contacts in the four states for which Presidential disaster declarations have been issued - Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. Each email provides information about the Public Assistance Program for private nonprofits and includes response and recovery information pertinent to each state. (The NC email differs from the other three in that disaster declarations have not yet been issued for Permanent Work, which covers repair of facilities and treatment of collections.)

Please forward the appropriate email to your constituents and stakeholders in their state. (Or copy and paste its content for widespread distribution.) And do ask your constituents to notify you (or me) of any damage affecting cultural institutions and historic sites. To date, we've learned of few reports of damage to private nonprofits. We also need to get the word out to the public that cherished belongings damaged by the flooding may be salvageable. Feel free to distribute the After the Flood<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.fema.gov_media-2Dlibrary_assets_documents_113297&d=CwIFAg&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=CLFZJ3fvGSmDp7xK1dNZfh6uGV_h-8NVlo3fXNoRNzI&m=qOABQZ4iSuW4CYXEJl2CNHx34DnwjCTjDj6MBunlkHk&s=powMFFwNg-b-pZtpzqeY9Dm6uhezSU_kvS7vFOMNkBo&e= > fact sheet widely, with tips and resources for individuals and institutions.

With thanks,

Lori Foley
Administrator, Heritage Emergency National Task Force
Office of Environmental Planning & Historic Preservation
Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration
lori.foley at fema.dhs.gov<mailto:lori.foley at fema.dhs.gov>
M: 202.826.6303

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From: "Foley, Lori" <lori.foley at fema.dhs.gov>
Subject: Response & recovery information for FL
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From: "Foley, Lori" <lori.foley at fema.dhs.gov>
Subject: Response & recovery information for GA
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From: "Foley, Lori" <lori.foley at fema.dhs.gov>
Subject: Response and recovery information for SC
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From: "Foley, Lori" <lori.foley at fema.dhs.gov>
Subject: Response & recovery information for NC
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