[Nhcoll-l] SPNHC Connection Articles Due for September Publication

Liath Appleton liathappleton at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 16:15:49 EDT 2017

It's that time again! All reports and article submissions for the fall
SPNHC Connection newsletter are due Aug 1. Yes, that's today! I apologize
for the late notice. Time got away from me this summer. Please contact
Liath Appleton (*newsletter at spnhc.org <newsletter at spnhc.org>*) right away
if you are planning on submitting an article. Thanks ---Liath

Liath Appleton
Associate Collections Manager
Non-Vertebrate Paleontology Collections
University of Texas - Jackson School of Geosciences
SPNHC Connection Editor (newsletter at spnhc.org)
SPNHC Web Manager (webmaster at spnhc.org)
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