[Nhcoll-l] Pigeon mess

Heidi Fourie hfourie at ditsong.org.za
Fri Aug 18 05:01:08 EDT 2017

Dear everyone,


The Ditsong: National Museum of Natural History is an old building with wide
window ledges. Recently we have noticed that the pigeons will nest, roost
and sit on the ledges making a huge mess. Some of the ledges have spikes,
but this is an even bigger attraction for the pigeons. The mess has become a
problem as the pigeons now flock to this specific building. Our resident
cats we think have enough mice and rats to contend with and the pigeons
mostly stay up on the fourth floor roof or window ledges.


Is there a solution for this problem, please any advice will do.




Dr H. Fourie (Curator)

Karoo Section

Vertebrate Department

Ditsong: NMNH

P.O. Box 413, Pta, 0001


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