[Nhcoll-l] Information about fluid collections

Roberta Salmaso roberta.salmaso at comune.verona.it
Tue Aug 22 04:13:58 EDT 2017

Hi Juliette,
just to look at things from another point of wiew: our wet collection 
(around 10.000 jars, mostly small invertebrates in ethanol 70%) is 
housed in two rooms equipped with a self fire suppression system. We use 
swing top jars sealed with their gasket plus a PEHD sheet to improve 
sealing and protect the gasket.
Evaporation is not a big issue, it is very slow and we keep monitoring 
the jars. Works pretty well.
If you have a big collection I think it would be easier and less time 
and money consuming to provide your new facility with a fire suppression 
system and may be improve the jars sealing.
Could this be an option?

All the best,

Il 21/08/2017 19:43, Peter Rauch ha scritto:
> Hi Juliette,
> I know nothing about what possibilities/options exist for transferring 
> your collection. Others have provided many suggestions.  But what is 
> common among their responses is that they too do not know the full 
> character and  magnitude of the problem you may be faced with.
> Below is the only information I've been able to glean from your two 
> emails describing the (portion of the?) collection that is in liquid 
> which may need some manner of conditioning at some point before, 
> during, and/or after moving it to new storage facility, itself 
> hitherto of undescribed construction and features.
> "Many organisms"? What about number of containers --hundreds, 
> thousands, more? How many containers of each type of organism; each 
> type of fluid perservative? What's the ratio of fluid volumes to 
> specimen volumes (e.g., lots of fluid for a specimen, or are specimens 
> packed tightly into the containers with not much preservative fluid)?
> Why are the fluids evaporating? (E.g., will the containers themselves 
> need to be changed even if you weren't to replace the preservative 
> fluids in them, entailing perhaps even more handling of the specimens? 
> I assume that the "new storage" you indicate is referring to a new 
> facility/building, and not new specimen containers.)
> "Many marine specimens", but in proportion relative to the kinds of 
> preservatives each kind is preserved in, are most containers "Alcool", 
> "Ethanol" (and, are you making a distinction between alcool and ethanol)?
> But then you also indicate that you do not know in what fluids the 
> specimens are currently preserved.
> Does the " compulsory from our guardianship and funders " condition 
> really require "no evaporation of products", or does it require that 
> any such evaporations be safely management (e.g., captured, disposed 
> of)? Does it really require "no flammable or toxic products allowed", 
> or does it require that such products be managed with some practicable 
> degree of safety?
> What might be useful answers for a few containers, may be useless for 
> a very large number of containers. Ditto with respect to the absolute 
> and relative numbers of each type of organisms being preserved.
> Peter
> [Excerpts of emails from J. Galpin]
> "I’m in charge of all the scientific collection in the Natural History 
> Museum of Le Havre, in France.
> "We have a collection which is maintained in fluids, and we want to 
> repack it. The specimens are currently in liquid as Alcool, Ethanol 
> and a bit of Formol.
> "Actually, the collection needs to be moved into safer fluids, for its 
> own conservation (the fluids are evaporating), and because it will be 
> moved to a new storage, that need to match new standards (no flammable 
> or toxic products allowed, no evaporation of products, keeping the 
> possibility of studying DNA, etc.).
> "... we have many marine organisms like fishes, shellfishes, 
> cnidarians, sponges, ascidians, and so on... But we also have mammals, 
> reptilians and amphibians for instance.
> "And we don’t know in which fluid the collections are currently 
> preserved, neither the way they were fixed.
> [Full text of emails from J. Galpin]
>             On 18 Aug 2017, at 08:50, Galpin Juliette
>             <juliette.galpin at lehavre.fr
>             <mailto:juliette.galpin at lehavre.fr>> wrote:
>             Hi Everybody,
>             Thank you all for answering me so quickly !
>             Actually, the collection needs to be moved into safer
>             fluids, for its own conservation (the fluids are
>             evaporating), and because it will be moved to a new
>             storage, that need to match new standards (no flammable or
>             toxic products allowed, no evaporation of products,
>             keeping the possibility of studying DNA, etc.). It is
>             compulsory from our guardianship and funders of our new
>             storage location. And Kaiserling seemed like a good idea,
>             because it matches all these constraints. But I completely
>             understand all the reservations you have regarding this
>             operation and the harm it could do to specimens. That is
>             why I need all the help possible to do this operation,
>             keeping the risks to a minimum.
>             Simon, you assumed well, we have many marine organisms
>             like fishes, shellfishes, cnidarians, sponges, ascidians,
>             and so on... But we also have mammals, reptilians and
>             amphibians for instance. Will Kaiserling be fine for these
>             specimens too ? Do they need more precautions ?
>             How could I do to avoid having these bubbles due to
>             changing in osmotic pressure ? I don’t know how to measure
>             this osmotic pressure and watch out for its changeover…
>             And we don’t know in which fluid the collections are
>             currently preserved, neither the way they were fixed.
>             Could you help me set the better process to do this
>             changeover with all precautions needed please ? For a
>             changeover into ethanol, I’ve seen that the specimens must
>             have been adapted to their new fluid by successive baths
>             of ethanol at different concentrations. Do I have to
>             follow the same process with Kaiserling ?
>             I will only use the preservative fluid, because all the
>             specimens have already been fixed (I guess).
>             For the formula of the preservative solution, I’ve found
>             that it is 900g Potassium acetate ; 6L Water ; 3,6L
>             glycerol ; and some thymol. What are the good proportions
>             for the mixture then ?! Thank for the recipe and the way
>             to do it, but is it the same with thymol than with camphor ?
>             Again, thank you very much to all of you for helping me to
>             implement this delicate operation.
>             Kind regards.
>             Juliette Galpin
>                     On 16 Aug 2017, at 10:37, Galpin Juliette
>                     <juliette.galpin at lehavre.fr
>                     <mailto:juliette.galpin at lehavre.fr>> wrote:
>                     Hello,
>                     My name is Juliette Galpin and I’m in charge of
>                     all the scientific collection in the Natural
>                     History Museum of Le Havre, in France.
>                     I’m following the advice of Judith White, in
>                     Natural History Museum, who told me to get in
>                     touch with you. Hope you won’t mind.
>                     We have a collection which is maintained in
>                     fluids, and we want to repack it. The specimens
>                     are currently in liquid as Alcool, Ethanol and a
>                     bit of Formol. And we wish to recondition it in
>                     Kaiserling III, which is a mixture of glycerin and
>                     acetate of potassium without any formol. I don’t
>                     know if you know, or use, this liquid.
>                     I’ve found some of your papers about collections
>                     in fluids, but there is few literature about
>                     Kaiserling precisely, and I don’t really know how
>                     to create this liquid correctly.
>                     Do you know this product, or someone who might
>                     know and use it, or maybe know the process to
>                     adapt the specimens to their new conservation fluid ?
>                     Thank you very much for your answer and all the
>                     help you can provide me,
>                     Regards.
>                     Juliette Galpin
>                     <image001.jpg>
>                     *Juliette GALPIN*
>                     In charge of Natural history Collections
>                     Natural history Museum
>                     Ville du Havre
>                     juliette.galpin at lehavre.fr
>                     <mailto:juliette.galpin at lehavre.fr>
>                     Tél. : 02 35 54 75 89 /
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Roberta Salmaso

Roberta Salmaso

tecnico sezione di zoologia

Museo Civico di Storia Naturale

lungadige Porta Vittoria 9

I 37129 Verona

tel +39 0458079417 -9400

fax +39 045 8035639

roberta.salmaso at comune.verona.it <mailto:roberta.salmaso at comune.verona.it>

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