[Nhcoll-l] Call for submissions for SPNHC 2017 STASH Flash session

Becky Kaczkowski becky683 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 08:36:53 EST 2017

The STASHc editorial committee is pleased to announce that the SPNHC 32nd
Annual Meeting in Denver, CO will include a STASH Flash session on Friday,
June 23. The session will begin with an introduction to *Preventive
Conservation: Collection Storage*, a new volume edited by Lisa Elkin and
Christopher Norris (expected publication summer 2017) that is a joint
venture between SPNHC, the American Institute for Conservation (AIC),
Smithsonian Institution and The George Washington University. The session
will then focus on best practices for collections housing, using the STASHc
website (www.stashc.com) to illustrate the connection between foundational
concepts covered in the book and examples of best practice.

The second half of the program will utilize a lightning round or “Tips”
format as well as guided, audience participatory discussion. We are calling
for contributions of short (5 minute) tips on the following themes:

•           Storage mounts or support systems that demonstrate ingenuity
and utility. These can be scenarios related to disaster preparedness,
impacts of changing regulations, moving collections, new solutions to old
problems, public access to collections, sustainability, use of new
materials, or digitization of collections.

•           Multi-function supports serving more than one purpose, such as
storage, examination, travel, and/or exhibition purposes.

•           Innovative storage solutions for individual or collection
groups that do not conform to either theme will be accepted if space allows.

Presenters will be asked to show up with their solution in a ready format
for uploading to the STASHc website after the conference. To submit your
ideas, please send a short abstract including the following information to
AIC’s Collection Care Network editor, Becky Kaczkowski (becky683 at gmail.com
) by *April 21, 2017*:




Object/collection type:

And a description of approx. 150 words on the project

Thank you from the session organizers,

Laura Abraczinskas and Rebecca Kaczkowski, STASHc Editorial Committee
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