[Nhcoll-l] Unitas Malacological - student research awards 2017

Julia Sigwart j.sigwart at qub.ac.uk
Wed Feb 8 16:15:23 EST 2017

Dear all

Unitas Malacologica offers member-supported small grants for student research activities. 

Any project, related to any kind of mollusc, anywhere, in any field of science, will be considered. There is no restriction on how the funds should be spent, though the funds should not be used to supplement the income of the awardee, and we do not support projects with direct commercial or industrial applications.

These awards are generally granted to PhD students who undertake a small, self contained project related to their dissertation research. Awards will be made up to a maximum of 1000 euro (=$1080 USD). Usually two or three awards are granted each year, and the normal value is around 750 euro.

The next deadline for applications is 30 April 2017.

To apply - submit the application form, and a letter of recommendation, by email to j.sigwart at qub.ac.uk

The application form and links to reports from past award winners is available at 

Please spread the word, and good luck to all applicants!



Dr Julia Sigwart
Queen's University Belfast, Marine Laboratory

sabbatical address (2015-2018):
University of California, Berkeley, Museum of Paleontology

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