[Nhcoll-l] no-data archaeological material

Dirk Neumann dirk.neumann at zsm.mwn.de
Thu Oct 5 09:50:47 EDT 2017

Hi Deborah,

the Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte in Halle (famous for the Nebra Sky 
https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.lda-2Dlsa.de_en_state-5Fmuseum-5Fof-5Fprehistory_permanent-5Fexhibition_&d=DwID-g&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=LpYc_Z_iN1KRw0hheb3x6-8MJUMu482qfHowpGYJqwc&m=96btYn93-UcnXarD2IHMQW2DW1R7qjrJc696CWBJH9o&s=Nd8o23VdsooJcH6kljQWqceWi8j75HT94znmX6OPQlc&e= ) 
added a very impressive time-line of the early industrial revolution of 
stone tools by showing their evolution and running them continuously 
through two rooms (including a break in the wall between those two 
rooms). Some were registered, some not.

They really have a cool & clever exhibition concept; besides the stone 
tool-revolution, in the atrium a massive attack of arrows (hanging in 
the atrium) points to visitors ascending the stairs.

  Maybe your objects would be suited for a similar purpose?

Am 05.10.2017 um 13:30 schrieb Harding, Deborah:
> The Section of Anthropology, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, is in 
> the last 3 months of a 3-year NEH grant to rehouse its 1.5 million 
> archaeological specimens. As we get down to the last few boxes to go 
> into our wonderful new cabinets, we’ve run into the problem of what 
> should be done with artifacts having no data. Most of them are ground 
> stone tools, and most come from early 20^th century donations. 
> Ethically, we can’t just rebury them, and we can’t sell them. Past 
> curators didn’t want to deal with them, but now we have to.
> We’ve already got educational loan kits using no-data material, and 
> the system will handle maybe one or two more kits. That’s maybe 40 
> items off the list. Have other institutions come up with solutions to 
> the problem? Any suggestions would be appreciated. [We’ve already 
> rejected paving our driveways or building patios.]
> Thanks.
> *Deborah G Harding*
> Collection Manager
> Section of Anthropology
> Carnegie Museum of Natural History
> 412-665-2608
> hardingd at carnegiemnh.org <mailto:hardingd at carnegiemnh.org>
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Dirk Neumann

Tel: 089 / 8107-111
Fax: 089 / 8107-300
email: Dirk.Neumann(a)zsm.mwn.de


Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns
Zoologische Staatssammlung München
Dirk Neumann, Sektion Ichthyologie / DNA-Storage
Münchhausenstr. 21
81247 München

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Dirk Neumann

Tel: +49-89-8107-111
Fax: +49-89-8107-300
email: Dirk.Neumann(a)zsm.mwn.de

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Bavarian Natural History Collections
The Bavarian State Collection of Zoology
Dirk Neumann, Section Ichthyology / DNA-Storage
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81247 Munich (Germany)

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