[Nhcoll-l] conservation collections

Ann Bogaerts ann.bogaerts at plantentuinmeise.be
Mon Oct 23 09:26:46 EDT 2017

Dear all,

We wonder if there are institutes who preserve there collections
underground? If so what are the difficulties and what should we bear in
mind when building underground floors to keep herbarium collections.

We are a bit hesitating because of humidity problems and problems of
climate control.

Do you have any recommendations?

Have a nice day,


Ann Bogaerts

Scientific manager Herbarium BR

Botanic Garden Meise
Nieuwelaan 38
BE-1860 Meise
++32 2 260 09 57

*Gelieve voortaan mijn nieuw e-mailadres te gebruiken: *
ann.bogaerts at plantentuinmeise.be
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