[Nhcoll-l] labeling silicone

Schossleitner, T. T.Schossleitner at mfn-berlin.de
Tue Sep 12 02:51:45 EDT 2017

Hi everyone,

I am working at the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin and our paleo preparators regularly come up with silicone molds. The new ones can be labeled by writing in the clay molds, but I was wondering if anyone knows of a way of properly 'retroactively' labeling already existing molds?
I read about a method with Vinyl Polysiloxane, but this seems relatively labor intensive and not useless for smaller molds.

Thanks in advance


Museum für Naturkunde
Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung
Thomas Schossleitner
Invalidenstrasse 43
10115 Berlin
Tel. +49(0)30 2093 8537
Fax. + 49(0)30 2093 8868
e-mail: t.schossleitner at mfn-berlin.de<mailto:t.schossleitner at mfn-berlin.de>


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