[Nhcoll-l] Fwd: AIC 2018 Annual Meeting: Call for Papers Deadline Extended to September 19th

Fran Ritchie franritchie at gmail.com
Thu Sep 14 16:18:48 EDT 2017

Hi Everyone,

The Call for Papers Deadline for the 2018 American Institute for
Conservation (AIC) meeting has been extended to *Tuesday, September
19th *(11:59pm).
As a reminder, there will be a few concurrent general sessions, including
one devoted to care and conservation of natural history materials(!!). I've
only been attending these meetings for less than 10 years, so I don't know *for
sure*, but this might be the first time there's been a whole session
devoted to these collections.

See below for more information (I'll copy in the specific call for nat.
hist. abstracts).

*The* *Call for Papers Deadline has been Extended to 11:59 p.m. on
September 19, 2017*

Thank you to everyone who has already submitted an abstract. The response
to the “*Materials Matters 2018*” theme has been strong, and we have
received many abstracts. We have decided to extend the deadline to
September 19th because we have heard from members needing more time to
finalize their abstracts; some of these requests have come from members in
Florida, who are facing communication issues dues to Irma.

To submit your abstract and for additional information, please visit the Call
for Papers webpage
<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.conservation-2Dus.org_annual-2Dmeeting_call-2Dfor-2Dsubmissions_&d=DwIFaQ&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=LpYc_Z_iN1KRw0hheb3x6-8MJUMu482qfHowpGYJqwc&m=jYYi36ttHWXxe3sC5KuzE4R-ff0b2OBIsrnnKItZusk&s=yrUBQoKYV-4XKbE_psiwL2TycFmf2BgZ7MS7I6-iIRY&e= >. You
can start your abstract in our online portal, save it and finalize it in
another session. I encourage you to start your abstract before September
19, to make sure that you can access the system and fully understand the
process. Please contact me at rseyler at conservation-us.org with any

*The 46th AIC Annual Meeting will be held in Houston, TX, on May 29-June 2,
*The theme for the main conference is: “Materials Matters 2018.”* Papers
are solicited that demonstrate the impact of material studies – or studies
of materials – on the conservation profession, including the emergence of
innovative treatments, new ways of “looking” and “seeing,” shifts in
decision-making and desired outcomes, and changes in collection care
strategies. Also welcome are explorations of the impact of trending
“materiality” studies in related disciplines including archaeology, museum
and curatorial fields, and art history among others. Topics can include,
but are not limited to: cutting-edge imaging and analysis techniques of
materials, new materials having conservation applications, revelations
about the meaning and significance of materials within an artist’s work,
and improved methods of authentication. Four concurrent general session
sub-themes have been identified with more to be identified based on the

*Materials in Natural History Collections – Care and Conservation*Natural
history collections encompass almost every kind of material, from floral
and faunal specimens, to field notebooks, taxidermy animals, and gems and
minerals. For this session, we welcome papers focusing on the care and
conservation of materials which fall outside typical fine art material

We look forward to welcoming you to Houston.


*Ruth Seyler*
*Meetings and Advocacy Director*

This e-mail was sent from American Institute for Conservation of Historic &
Artistic Works (info at conservation-us.org) to franritchie at gmail.com.
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