[Nhcoll-l] Personal Natural History Collections

Sarah K. Huber skhuber at vims.edu
Tue Oct 23 13:09:53 EDT 2018

Does anyone have recommendations for publications that address the ethics of "personal" natural history collections (i.e., specimens that were legally collected, but sit on desks as curios), particularly when an individual is at a museum or institution with an established collection? I am specifically thinking about specimens that were collected as part of federally or state funded research programs, and that were collected under the auspices of the institution at which the individual works. I would like to put together a workshop on scientific collecting for incoming graduate students, and it would be nice to have some readings that address this issue.

Of course, if you have your own opinions that you would like to share with me, please feel free to e-mail me individually.


Sarah K. Huber, Ph.D.
Curatorial Associate, VIMS Nunnally Ichthyology Collection
Office 804.684.7104 | Collection 804.684.7285
skhuber at vims.edu | http://www.vims.edu/research/facilities/fishcollection/index.php
PO Box 1346 | 1375 Greate Rd., Gloucester Pt., VA 23062

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