[Nhcoll-l] Bird Wings Collection Storage

Fabian Neisskenwirth fabian.neisskenwirth at nmbe.ch
Mon Oct 29 10:12:08 EDT 2018

Dear All,


I’m writing in behalf of our Team to get some ideas about right storage for
Bird Wings.


We have a growing collection of bird wings that is, in my opinion, not very
well stored. 


We put them in translucent PE sleeves to keep all parts together. The
problem is that this way the whole feather rows get flattened. As a
taxidermist it’s very sad to see hours of work trying to get the feathers
nicely straighten, go lost due to this storage solution.


Our new plan would be to place them with the inner side down and use
cardboard straps (acid free) to pin them on a PE foam block. This way the
feather patterns on the wings don’t get flattened and still have all parts


What other options do you recommend? Any better solutions or ideas?


I’ll attach some pictures so you can get an idea of our problem.







Bernastrasse 15, 3005 Bern


Fabian Neisskenwirth

Naturwissenschaftlicher Präparator

+41 31 350 72 35

E-Mail:  <mailto:fabian.neisskenwirth at nmbe.ch> fabian.neisskenwirth at nmbe.ch
Telefon: ++41 (0) 31 350 72 35
Fax: ++41 (0)31 350 74 99
Web:  <http://www.nmbe.ch/> www.nmbe.ch

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 <http://www.nmbe.ch/> Weltuntergang – Ende ohne Ende
 <http://www.nmbe.ch/> Eröffnung: 10. November 2017


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