[Nhcoll-l] Herbarium search

Tim Walsh twalsh at Brucemuseum.org
Wed Sep 26 14:10:44 EDT 2018

Hello all,

I am working on an upcoming (1 Dec 2018 -1 Mar 2019) exhibition entitled Pressed for Time: Botanical Collecting as Genteel Pastime or Scientific Pursuit? This exhibition will explore the relationship between amateur and professional botany collectors and discuss the rift that formed between them at the turn of the 19th century. I will be highlighting eight collectors and feature four each of their herbarium sheets. We are using mostly herbaria from our own collection but are also borrowing from other institutions. I am searching for sheets that represent a teacher and his/her student, preferably between the dates of 1870-1940 as this can represent the American Nature Study Movement.

I am curious if anyone's collection houses such sheets, fully recognizing that that specific attribution may be elusive in the records; yet hoping that staff familiarity with certain collectors may provide the relevant information.

Thank you,

Timothy J. Walsh
Collection Manager
Bruce Museum
1 Museum Drive
Greenwich, CT  06830-7157
P 203.413.6767
F 203.869.0963
twalsh at brucemuseum.org

Invited Member, IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group
Assistant Director, Florida Turtle Conservation Trust
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