[Nhcoll-l] Kathon Biocide

Esther Dondorp esther.dondorp at naturalis.nl
Tue Apr 2 04:23:31 EDT 2019

Dear collegues,

We are conserving some of our largest animals in glycerin in a large steel
tank. This tank wil be moved to the new depots and we will give the
specimens a new glycerin bath. At the Paris fluid perservation meeting I
heard of the use of Kathon Biocide against the mold (in the talk of
O.Crimmen on conserving the Marlin). We used Thymol untill now but that is
quite irritating for the eyes and I was hoping this time to use Khaton if
it is better.

Any advice on using this chemical is greatly appreceated. Like how to use
it with glycerin, what the concentration should be, and any other tips
regarding this chemical. Do you buy it as a powder or liquid? Would you
recommend it instead of thymol or should i stick with the thymol because
that is already what I used before with these specimens.

Many thanks for any advice you have on this!

Best wishes,

Esther Dondorp
Senior Collectiebeheerder

071-751 9313 -
esther.dondorp at naturalis.nl - www.naturalis.nl
Vondellaan 55, 2332 AA Leiden
Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden

<https://www.naturalis.nl/over-ons> <https://www.naturalis.nl/lang-leve>
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