[Nhcoll-l] Brief Survey about Mammal Collections Usage

Mathis,Verity L vmathis at flmnh.ufl.edu
Mon Apr 15 08:44:10 EDT 2019

Hello all,
An undergraduate in our mammal collection has created a very brief online survey for an Introduction to Natural History Museums class she is taking.   Briefly, the survey is meant to assess the use of mammalogy collections by researchers and educators as well as to see if the focus of the collections themselves have been changing (in terms of what is prepared, loaned, etc.).   The survey is open to anyone, at any career stage, who has any type of interaction with a mammal collection (curators, collection managers, students, researchers, educators, etc.).   All responses will be recorded anonymously and should only take about 2-5 minutes to complete.
If you can, please take a few minutes and help her out for this project.  Your input is valuable and encouraged.  The results of this survey are not only for her class project but will also be presented as a poster at the upcoming American Society of Mammalogists meeting in Washington, DC.  Feel free to forward the survey to anyone off-list.

The link to the survey is here:  https://ufl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eu4LcDrzpLbN3jn​

Any questions about the survey may be sent off-list to Eve Rowland (erowland at flmnh.ufl.edu<mailto:erowland at flmnh.ufl.edu>) or to myself (vmathis at flmnh.ufl.edu<mailto:vmathis at flmnh.ufl.edu>)

Thanks so much and apologies for any cross-posting,

Verity L. Mathis, Ph.D.
Mammal Collections Manager
Florida Museum of Natural History
1659 Museum Road
Gainesville FL 32611
Phone: (352) 273-2114
Fax: (352) 392-6582
Email: vmathis at flmnh.ufl.edu

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