[Nhcoll-l] Evolutionary Knowledge for Everyone Outreach Conference (Split, Croatia, Sep 26-26)

Szymon Drobniak szymek.drobniak at gmail.com
Mon Apr 15 10:46:55 EDT 2019

Dear evolution enthusiasts!

Registration deadline for the next EvoKE Conference has been extended to the 5th of May 2019!

EvoKE 2019 conference will take place in Split, Croatia, from 26 to 29 of September. Registration for the event is open and will end on the 5th of May 2019. Be one of the 100 participants, ranging from researchers and educators to media and policymakers, that will work together to transform evolution education and outreach in Europe.
The 2.5 days will include plenary talks by invited speakers (listed https://evokeproject.org/plenary-speakers-2/) and multiple workshops (listed https://evokeproject.org/workshops/) which will allow you to:

- co-construct international and interdisciplinary collaborative teams;
- improve your science education and outreach skills;
- share your expertise in evolution education and outreach;
- learn about new tools and resources;
- and prototype new evolution education and outreach projects.

To register please visit bit.ly/evoke19apply and fill in the registration form. You can learn more about the registration process and the conference here: https://evokeproject.org/applying-for-evoke-2019/

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