[Nhcoll-l] Color Cards

Hannu Saarenmaa hannu.saarenmaa at helsinki.fi
Tue Apr 30 15:39:30 EDT 2019

We are getting ours from https://www.image-engineering.de/

Here is an example

Hannu Saarenmaa -- Bioshare Digitization -- www.bioshare.com

On 2019-04-30 19:00, James Erdmann wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am building a simple platform to photograph small objects (20–50mm), and would like to include a color reference chart for color calibration and quantification projects. The problem is that most professional-grade charts are much larger than is practical (particularly the X-Rite ColorChecker line). The one I have found that is of workable size (2x3”, CameraTrax 24ColorCard) is not very high quality. I have heard of people cutting up the larger charts, but would like more information before taking scissors to a $100+ USD piece of equipment. Any thoughts/suggestions?
> Thank you,
> James
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Hannu Saarenmaa, Docent
University of Helsinki
tel +358-401750427

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