[Nhcoll-l] Preparing turtles

Tonya.Haff at csiro.au Tonya.Haff at csiro.au
Wed Mar 6 17:19:37 EST 2019

Hello all,

I am getting ready to prepare some salvaged turtles we have in our freezers. I'd like to age and sex them before preparing them, but (it's clear here I'm not a herp person) I'm not sure how to do so without dissecting them - which for turtles in particular is not ideal. Any suggestions or references would be appreciated!



Dr Tonya Haff
Collections Manager
Australian National Wildlife Collection
National Research Collections Australia, CSIRO
Canberra, Australia
Phone: (+61) 02 6242 1566 (office)
(+61) 0419 569 109 (mobile)

I am in Thursdays and Fridays
Please call or text my mobile for a fast reponse Monday - Wednesday

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