[Nhcoll-l] Summer Research Grant--Now Accepting Applications

Southwestern Center for Herpetological Research info at southwesternherp.com
Wed Mar 20 23:19:16 EDT 2019

$500 ($250 for our new Junior category)                      View this email in your browser ( https://cts.vrmailer1.com/click?sk=a77sB2JgajBLi0fVYAOUF5PuCqOrMiGydtgSf3D4nGJA=/aHR0cHM6Ly92cjIudmVydGljYWxyZXNwb25zZS5jb20vZW1haWxzLzI4NTg3MzAyMzYzMTUwP2NvbnRhY3RfaWQ9Mjg1ODczMTE0MzU0NDU=/bYSZQbMNeLvWhpl6k1-4VA==&merge_field_type=%7BVR_HOSTED_LINK%7D&href_id_source=vr2-href-id-source-1 )             The Southwestern Center for Herpetological Research is accepting applications for our Summer Research Grants now through April 15th. This year, for the first time, we are also offering a Junior category for budding herpetologists under 18 years of age!Any current SWCHR member may apply (if you know someone interested in applying, remind them dues are $20 for the calendar year; $10 for students; info is on our website at www.southwesternherp.com/join.html).  Mail applications for the grant to info at southwesternherp.com.This grant is intended for research on Southwestern US herpetofauna. This research could entail field work in one of the six states in the SWCHR region of interest (AZ, CA, NV, NM, TX, UT), or lab work performed elsewhere, using specimens obtained in those six states. For example, a study on Green Anole behavior in Florida, or DNA analysis using populations from Florida, would not be a viable candidate for this grant.Entrants may conduct independent research, request a grant on behalf of a Southwest-region herpetological society (e.g. for equipment related to field work by the society), or be affiliated with an accredited university. NOTE: preference will be given to research affiliated with an accredited university unless no such entries are received.Proposals must list species targeted in the research, or biomes/habitats/communities being studied, as well as the nature of the study (taxonomy, cladistics, phylogeography, behavior, etc.).Proposals must be specific in how the SWCHR grant will be used—examples include but are not limited to: fees for land access, equipment/materials necessary for the research, travel/lodging cost offset, etc.Letter of support/recommendation by an appropriate person (e.g. faculty advisor, society officer, etc.) indicating the entrant has the required time, capability, and additional resources as necessary to conduct the proposed research. Deadline for submissions is Monday, April 15th.Winner will be announced no later than Friday, May 3rd.Winner in the Adult category will receive $500 cash prize; Junior category will receive $250 cash prize; to be used only as stipulated in their proposals.Winner must agree to submit a short paper as a status update/synopsis of the research enabled by this grant.​Winner must agree to include SWCHR as a sponsor in the acknowledgments of any presentations/papers resulting from the research, to include our logo where appropriate.                Click to        edit Email Preferences ( https://cts.vrmailer1.com/click?sk=a77sB2JgajBLi0fVYAOUF5PuCqOrMiGydtgSf3D4nGJA=/aHR0cHM6Ly92cjIudmVydGljYWxyZXNwb25zZS5jb20vY29udGFjdHMvMjg1ODczMTE0MzU0NDUvZWRpdD9lbWFpbF9pZD0yODU4NzMwMjM2MzE1MA==/eUrLUQCmWUleXqF1_5Zvrw==&merge_field_type=%7BEMAIL_PREFERENCES%7D ) or        Unsubscribe ( https://cts.vrmailer1.com/unsub?sk=a77sB2JgajBLi0fVYAOUF5PuCqOrMiGydtgSf3D4nGJA=/aHR0cHM6Ly92cjIudmVydGljYWxyZXNwb25zZS5jb20vY29udGFjdHMvMjg1ODczMTE0MzU0NDUvdW5zdWJzY3JpYmU_ZW1haWxfaWQ9Mjg1ODczMDIzNjMxNTA=/IRF1w4Fdp6Mg5uNPojJGeg==&merge_field_type=%7BUNSUBSCRIBE_LINK%7D )        from this list.               Southwestern Center for Herpetological Research       PO Box 131262              Spring, TX 77393 - USA                                                                              ( http://www.verticalresponse.com/?utm_campaign=email-footer&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=footer&utm_content=CamID28587302363150&sn=CamID28587302363150 )

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