[Nhcoll-l] Submissions to The Geological Curator

Pip Brewer p.brewer at nhm.ac.uk
Tue Feb 18 12:26:28 EST 2020


The Geological Curator is the journal of the Geological Curators’ Group (https://www.geocurator.org/). We publish papers which are of interest and relevance to anyone who works with geological collections. Papers should further our knowledge of how best to care for and utilise those collections. We accept papers on a wide range of subjects such as:

  *   Curation / collections management
  *   Digitisation
  *   Conservation
  *   Preparation
  *   Replication
  *   Teaching
  *   Citizen Science
  *   Public engagement
  *   Exhibitions
  *   Museum management
  *   History of geological collections
  *   Policies

Manuscripts should have a premise, such as a question or hypothesis to be tested, or describe a novel technique, approach or viewpoint. They should be well-written, concise, follow a logical structure and be fully referenced. The following sections are recommended: Abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions and references.

We publish two issues per year (June and December). The deadline for contributions to this year’s June issue is 29th February 2020.

If you would like to submit a manuscript for consideration or propose a contribution please email journal at geocurator.org<mailto:journal at geocurator.org> – we would love to hear from you!

Instructions for authors, as well as previous issues (including open access issues) can be found on the following page: https://www.geocurator.org/resources/18-geological-curator

For anyone interesting in being on the editorial team, please refer to the following advertisement: https://www.geocurator.org/jobs

Many best wishes,


Pip Brewer
Department of Earth Sciences
Natural History Museum (NHMUK)
Cromwell Road
SW7 5BD London
United Kingdom

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