[Nhcoll-l] Mola mola reference images?

Anne Swann aswann at mdirss.org
Wed Feb 19 16:26:49 EST 2020

You might check out the Smithsonian Collections. A quick query indicates
they have several dry specimens and at least one skeleton. I didn't do a
deep dive.


You could maybe contact them for a photo of the skull. Or go on a road

Harvard's MCZ only has wet specimens. I can't think of any other big
collectins that would store dry specimens besides the Smithsonian. Also...
some Australian and New Zealand museums have specimens.

On Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 2:22 PM Truth Muller <tmuller21 at coa.edu> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am currently working on a group skeleton articulation project at College
> of the Atlantic for the Dorr Museum of Natural History. We are attempting
> to assemble the skeleton of a *Mola mola* that washed up at our college's
> offshore research station last year, and we've run into some difficulty: We
> can't find good reference images for the skull. Internet searches have
> turned up a few sketches of the skull in profile, but we can find nothing
> about bones inside the skull. An exploded image would be extremely helpful,
> but anything, photos, sketches, of the skull at a different angle would be
> of use. If anyone has any leads, we would be very grateful.
> Truth Muller
> Student manager of Marine Wet Collections
> George B. Dorr Museum of Natural History
> 105 Eden St.
> Bar Harbor, ME 04609
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Anne Swann, MLIS
Mount Desert Island High School
Tech Lead
PO Box 180
Mt. Desert, ME 04660
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