[Nhcoll-l] Mola

Tyler, James TYLERJ at si.edu
Wed Feb 19 21:39:54 EST 2020

Dear Ms Muller - Andrew Stewart has referred you to my 1980 publication for lateral views of the skeleton of representatives of the three genera of Molidae, but if you look therein you will also find dorsal and ventral views of the skull and of other internal features. But you mention your desire for an "exploded" view of the internal features, and for this I presume that you would like to view micro CT scans of molid skulls. I am working on molid anatomy as part of a team of ichthyologists under the leadership of Dr. Kate Bemis at the Smithsonian Institution, and we have a large monograph on molid morphology and ontogeny soon to be in press. Dr. Bemis has CT scanned some of her molid material, so by copy of this message I am referring your query to her because she knows far more about this than do I.
    I wanted to include Dr. Stewart in the addresses but could not figure out how to do that, so I hope you will contact him and let him know of my response and referral to Dr. Bemis, I will be seeing Dr. Bemis this weekend when her team of molid researchers will be gathered together at the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences to make some last dissections of molid specimens before concluding our present manuscript.
Best wishes and my hopes for your success in showing how molids are put together - Jim Tyler
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