[Nhcoll-l] Adapting to COVID-19: Resources for Natural History Collections in a New Virtual World

Nelson,Gil gnelson at floridamuseum.ufl.edu
Wed Jul 22 10:37:14 EDT 2020

iDigBio is proud to announce a new webinar series:
Adapting to COVID-19: Resources for Natural History Collections in a New Virtual World<https://www.idigbio.org/content/webinar-series-adapting-covid-resources-natural-history-collections-new-virtual-world>

iDigBio recognizes the rapid changes happening within museum communities and the efforts being made throughout the community to adapt to these changes. We hope that this webinar series can help to provide insight into how different groups and institutions are adapting to life in a quickly evolving world. All webinars will be recorded and held in Zoom.

iDigBio is partnering with SPNHC for the first two webinars to address lessons learned planning the Digital Data and SPNHC conferences:

July 28: Planning for Virtual Events: Lessons learned from Digital Data & SPNHC Conference Planners
Topics to include: Registration, Planning the Schedule, Recruiting and Training for Presenters and Moderators, Planning for Posters and Oral Presenters (Storage, Communication, Accessibility - time zones, etc), Vendors, Website and Organization, Benefits of a Virtual Mtg

August 25: Executing Virtual Events: Lessons learned from Digital Data & SPNHC Conference Planners
Topics to include: Zoom, Social Media, Audience Engagement/Managing Expectations, Surveys, Day of Roles and Responsibilities, Future Considerations

Webinars will be held from 2:00 - 3:30 ET.
Zoom link: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/99571640979?pwd=V0VwbDBySEtBYUptNUZ2L0RQNGh0UT09

Follow the Zoom link above to join the webinars and please visit the webinar series page for information on the additional webinars that will be featured in this series: https://www.idigbio.org/content/webinar-series-adapting-covid-resources-natural-history-collections-new-virtual-world

We hope to see you all next week!

Gil Nelson PhD, Director
Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio)
Florida Museum of Natural History
University of Florida
gnelson at floridamuseum.ufl.edu

Courtesy Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium
Florida State University
gnelson at bio.fsu.edu
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