[Nhcoll-l] Iron based meteorites / ferrous material conservation

Kate Lambert katie_lamb at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 29 20:28:15 EDT 2020

My name is Kate Lambert and I am currently completing my MA minor thesis at the Grimwade Centre for Cultural Materials Conservation at the University of Melbourne.

My research is on an iron-based meteorite specimen which is currently enclosed in a glass case, submerged in an oil-like substance which is now very discoloured. We think it may be silicone oil, but are unable to run tests due to COVID. Does anyone know of any conservation literature on submerging ferrous materials in oil to retard corrosion? Or has anyone had experience with similarly submerged specimens? Have you attempted to remove the oil and if so was there a particular solvent you used? Or would you recommend just replacing the discoloured oil with the same oil?



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