[Nhcoll-l] Biodiversity Heritage Library Online Classes in English and Spanish

Thiers, Barbara bthiers at nybg.org
Tue May 5 13:02:48 EDT 2020

Smithsonian Libraries has developed two live online classes -- in English and in Spanish -- providing a brief overview of how to search BHL, and is making these classes available to BHL partner libraries to advertise to their staffs and users.  The first class is this Friday, May 8th and is in Spanish.  The second is on May 28th and in English.  If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Ferry at ferryb at si.edu.

Introduccion a la Biblioteca de la Herencia de la Biodiversidad [BHL] (en Español)

La Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL)<https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/> es la biblioteca digital mas grande del mundo con acceso libre a la literatura y archivos sobre la biodiversidad. Funciona como un consorcio mundial de historia natural, botanica, investigaciones, y bibliotecas nacionales, trabajando juntos mediante la digitilizacion de la literatura de historia natural contenida en sus colecciones y ofreciendo totalmente su libre acceso. Acompañenos en esta breve orientacion para aprender el manejo basico de como buscar en el banco de datos de BHL y utilizarla como una herramienta en sus investigaciones. No se requiere inscripcion.Versión interactiva en línea con instructor Sr. Angel Aguirre. Duración de una hora.

  *   Fecha: May 8, 9:00 a.m. Panama (10:00 a.m. EDT)
  *   Instructor:  Angel Aguirre
  *   Access: Zoom Meeting: https://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/91761018355?pwd=L3N3VmFTTkM0YXpsL3BsSWJuV2ZrZz09​; Meeting ID: 917 6101 8355​; Password: 888081​

Introduction to the Biodiversity Heritage Library

The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL)<https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/> is the world’s largest open access digital library for biodiversity literature and archives. It operates as a worldwide consortium of natural history, botanical, research, and national libraries working together, digitizing the natural history literature held in their collections and making it freely available. Attend this brief orientation to learn the basics about searching and using the BHL as a tool in your research. No registration required.  Duration is one hour.

§  Date: May 28, 10:30 a.m. EDT (9:30 a.m. Panama)

§  Instructors:  Polly Lasker and Angel Aguirre

§  Access: Zoom Link: https://smithsonian.zoom.us/j/95120835160?pwd=UllPeUt4aUQ4ZkM2Z1lpVktpUWNtUT09 ; Meeting ID: 951 2083 5160; Password: 171959

Barbara Ferry

Interim Branch Services Manager

Smithsonian Libraries

ferryb at si.edu

Dr. Barbara M. Thiers
Vice President
Patricia K. Holmgren Director
William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
The New York Botanical Garden
President-Elect, SPNHC
Editor, Index Herbariorum
2900 Southern Blvd.
Bronx, NY 10458
The World’s Herbaria 2017<https://webmail.nybg.org/owa/redir.aspx?C=DZKIfwlM-bRuN7VbYm3y6VYav1JKmR4c1-8AgqzXvwyyH2wh5FbVCA..&URL=http%3a%2f%2fsweetgum.nybg.org%2fscience%2fdocs%2fThe_Worlds_Herbaria_2017_5_Jan_2018.pdf>  (second Index Herbariorum annual report)
Index Herbariorum Registration Form<https://webmail.nybg.org/owa/redir.aspx?C=vVPvApDN5rnGmmbKVYFc8fgw_ayLMiDK3Yb6MYRLAU-yH2wh5FbVCA..&URL=http%3a%2f%2fsciweb.nybg.org%2fscience2%2fIH_Questionnaire_2009.doc>
Index Herbariorum Registration Form Example<https://webmail.nybg.org/owa/redir.aspx?C=BEo_gpY-7iKK78FaX5YK2uIRJUi67YtCa4rtEJ8MJgOyH2wh5FbVCA..&URL=http%3a%2f%2fsciweb.nybg.org%2fscience2%2fIH_Questionnaire_2009_example.doc>
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