[Nhcoll-l] Addressing accessibility for non-sighted users through natural history image description guidelines

Meyer, Cailin MeyerCA at si.edu
Wed Sep 2 18:14:01 EDT 2020

Hi everyone,

I'm conducting research into accessibility of digitized natural history collections for low vision and non sighted visitors. These are users who may use screen readers and rely on alt text or long descriptions of images to fully understand a webpage's contents. I'm wondering how natural history museums have either in the past, or are currently, working to address accessibility for these users who might view collections online.

Specifically, I'm looking at developing guidelines for writing image descriptions (both alt text and long descriptions) of natural history specimens. Has anyone developed guidelines or workflows for their collections? If so, would you be willing to share, either to the community or privately?

I'm also wondering if this is a topic that has wide interest, where we might benefit from forming a working group and developing them together.

Please feel free to respond on-list or off.

Cailin Meyer
meyerca at si.eu<mailto:meyerca at si.eu>
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