[Nhcoll-l] Collections Lit Club 2nd meetup! - Clean house to survive?

Rincon Rodriguez,Laura rinconrodriguezl at ufl.edu
Mon Sep 21 21:28:53 EDT 2020

Hello everybody! Hola a todos!

I will have my second meetup on September 29th at 4:00pm EDT. We will be discussing with my guest host Dieuwertje Wijsmuller<https://www.linkedin.com/in/dieuwertjewijsmuller/> the article titled Clean house to survive? Museums confront their crowded basements written by Robin Pogrebin<https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/03/10/arts/museum-art-quiz.html> in 2019.

Please confirm your assistance and reserve your free spot in this link:


We will have 16 spots available in order to have an engaging and enriching conversation..so run to reserve your ticket! 🙂

*The Zoom link will be available when you've registered by Eventbrite as well
Join Zoom Meeting: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/92071012005
Meeting ID: 920 7101 2005

Stay tuned in my digital platform and check out more info about this initiative: https://community.wearemuseums.com<https://community.wearemuseums.com/> (Sign in and once you get access, you will find the Circles tap on the left side of the page. Look for Collections Lit Club and join it!)

Hope to see you there, and don't forget your drink!

Cheers! 🥂

Laura Rincón

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