[Nhcoll-l] Join us for #AAMG2021!

Alexandra Chamberlain aamgalexandra at gmail.com
Mon Apr 12 11:31:31 EDT 2021


Would you mind sharing our call for registration for the 2021 Annual
Conference for the Association of Academic Museums and Galleries with your
members/groups/pages, etc.

Attached you will find a graphic for use as well as copy to utilize below.
We greatly appreciate your consideration in sharing this announcement. If
you have any other steps to take in order for this to be shared on your
network, please do not hesitate to reach out and let me know!



Working in museums? Working in academia? Both? Interested in either? Want
to network with others in the same boat? Join #AAMG2021
<https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/aamg2021/>--a chance to connect and
reflect with one another!

Secure your spot and register today for this year's annual conference
focused on #wellnessandequity and held virtually June 7-11! Find more
information and register at aamg-us.org/registration2021/


Join #AAMG2021 <https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/aamg2021/>--a chance
to connect and reflect with one another!

Secure your spot and register today for this year's annual conference held
virtually June 7-11! And calling all members, don't forget about the
Professional Assistance Fund Registration--allows for FREE conference
registration to qualified applicants!


AAMG’s 2021 conference will explore how academic museums and galleries are
fostering wellness and embracing new understandings of equity in the midst
of one of the most challenging social, political, and economic periods in
American history. This year’s conference aims to find new paths and
solutions to a more just and empathetic world. Presentations will address
topics such as: How are museums and galleries becoming community hubs where
emotional, psychological, and identity-centered fairness and solace can be
explored, created, debated, and located? How have DEAI initiatives
challenged or disrupted your institutional structure and internal
practices, including collections, exhibitions, storytelling and teaching,
and management? How do academic museums and galleries survive and thrive in
this new higher education reality?

[image: https://www.aamg-us.org/] <https://www.aamg-us.org/>
Alexandra Chamberlain
AAMG Virtual Administrator

Follow AAMG on Facebook
Instagram <https://www.instagram.com/academicmuseums/>, and Twitter
<https://twitter.com/AcademicMuseums> to stay up to date with all things
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