[Nhcoll-l] specimen vault vs vaults

Haff, Tonya (NCMI, Crace) Tonya.Haff at csiro.au
Tue Apr 20 16:07:39 EDT 2021

Hello all,

I am wondering if any of you have opinions on the utility of separating collections into different vaults/rooms, or of housing them all together in one large space? We are planning a new building, and there have been some questions regarding the utility and point of keeping similar collections (e.g. bird and mammal skins) separated (they are housed in different vaults now). From my perspective, it seems that keeping collection types separate is useful for several reasons, including reducing the risk of pest spread between collections, and ease of workflow for researchers and staff working in different collections. But perhaps there are great advantages (here's one - a bit of extra space from the lack of an internal dividing wall) to housing everything in one large space that I haven't thought of? Have any of you moved to or away from housing different taxa together, and if so what have you found? Advice and opinions very much appreciated!



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