[Nhcoll-l] Best adhesive for re-adhering slide labels

Tommy McElrath monotomidae at gmail.com
Tue Aug 31 11:29:43 EDT 2021

Hey all, 
I was just responding to Katrina but since there is larger interest:

We use GE Clear Window Sealant: e.g. https://thd.co/3mKCol7 <https://thd.co/3mKCol7> 

We’ve used something like this for over 20 years at INHS in our extensive thrips collection and have seen no ill effects, on both new and old labels. 

It is best to let it off-gas for a few hours after attaching, and generally a little bit goes a long way (we use paintbrushes or scrap pins/paper to attach it to labels rather than slathering on directly). 

The only downside is that if you aren’t using it constantly, the larger tubes tend to solidify over time, so we generally don’t end up using the whole tube. That said, the stuff is fairly cheap and widely available so it isn’t a huge deal. 


Insect Collection Manager
Illinois Natural History Survey
Prairie Research Institute
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1816 S. Oak Street | M/C 652
Champaign, IL 61820
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> On Aug 31, 2021, at 10:09 AM, Tocci, Genevieve E. <glewis-g at oeb.harvard.edu> wrote:
> Hi Katrina,
> We have used Elmers Glue-All and Jade 403N in a pinch, but would also love to know about better options. (For botany slides like diatoms, fungi, etc.)
> Best,
> Genevieve
> =================================================
> Genevieve E. Tocci (she, her, hers)
> Senior Curatorial Technician
> Harvard University Herbaria
> 22 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138  U.S.A.
> Phone: 617-495-1057  Fax: 617-495-9484
> glewis-g at oeb.harvard.edu <mailto:glewis-g at oeb.harvard.edu>
> From: Nhcoll-l <nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu> On Behalf Of Menard, Katrina
> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2021 4:57 PM
> To: NH-COLL listserv <nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu>
> Subject: [Nhcoll-l] Best adhesive for re-adhering slide labels
> Hi Everyone,
> This might have been a question that was asked before, but does anyone have a preferred glue to re-attach slide labels? We have a large collection of slides that are starting to have the labels fall off, and most of the adhesive information I can find is for generating new labels, not retaining original ones.
> Thank you for any insight you might have, and I hope everyone is doing well,
> Katrina
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Katrina Menard
> Collection Manager, Invertebrates
> Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
> University of Connecticut
> Unit 3043, 75 N. Eagleville Rd.
> Storrs, CT 06269-3043
> email: katrina.menard at uconn.edu <mailto:katrina.menard at uconn.edu>
> Zootaxa Section Editor: Miroidea
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