[Nhcoll-l] cited and figured fossils

Tom Schiøtte tschioette at snm.ku.dk
Thu Jan 28 06:04:30 EST 2021

Depends on what system you are migrating to. In Copenhagen we use Specify. Which one do you migrate to?

Tom Schiøtte

Collection manager, Echinodermata & Mollusca
Natural History Museum of Denmark (Zoology)
Universitetsparken 15
DK 2100 Copenhagen OE

+45 35 32 10 48
TSchioette at snm.ku.dk<mailto:TSchioette at snm.ku.dk>

From: Nhcoll-l <nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu> On Behalf Of Maria Chiara Deflorian
Sent: 28. januar 2021 11:26
To: nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu
Subject: [Nhcoll-l] cited and figured fossils

Dear all,

our collections catalogue are now migrating to a new management system, so we’re working on mapping from the old “home-made” to the new system.
I would like to know in which field you put the information “cited” or “figured” for fossils.
In the old system we put this information in the “Type status” field, but I know is not so a good place for it.

Do you have any suggestion for me?
Many thanks


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Maria Chiara Deflorian
Tecnico specialista delle collezioni
Collections manager

Museo delle Scienze
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I - 38122 TRENTO (Italy)
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