[Nhcoll-l] [EXT]Re: [crust-l:11293] Waterproof paper for samples in ethanol

Jean-Marc Gagnon JMGAGNON at nature.ca
Fri Jun 4 10:39:38 EDT 2021

Michel, Paolo,

I would recommend looking at information available on the SPNHC Wiki site (https://spnhc.biowikifarm.net/wiki/Labeling_Natural_History_Collections)  and some of the discussion that are archived on its NHColl ListServer (https://mailman.yale.edu/mailman/listinfo/nhcoll-l).

Generally speaking, it is not recommended to use laser printers as the “permanency” can vary significantly between machines, but also between batches. There are many reported examples of failed laser-printed labels where one finds fading text or an “alphabet soup” at the bottom of the jar. Even dry laser-printed labels have been found to fail.

One has to remember that in terms of museum specimens, we need to apply storage solutions that will hopefully last well beyond our career and for many more generations into the future.

I hope this helps.


Jean-Marc Gagnon, Ph.D. (he/him/his) (il/lui)
Curator, Invertebrate Collections / Chief Scientist
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From: crust-l-request at vims.edu [mailto:crust-l-request at vims.edu] On Behalf Of Michel Hendrickx Reners
Sent: June 4, 2021 10:15 AM
To: crust FORO <crust-l at vims.edu>; Paolo G. Albano <pgalbano at gmail.com>
Subject: [EXT]Re: [crust-l:11293] Waterproof paper for samples in ethanol

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We are using 100% cotton paper (available in different densities). We print the collection labels with a Laser Printer. We have had these in ethanol for up to 15 years (maybe more?) and it holds very well. But pencil cannot also be used (we do so for provisional labels).
Michel E. Hendrickx

El vie, 4 de jun. de 2021 a la(s) 08:04, Paolo G. Albano (pgalbano at gmail.com<mailto:pgalbano at gmail.com>) escribió:
Dear Colleagues,
I am looking for a waterproof paper to write with pencil labels for samples in ethanol.
I have seen some institutions using polyethylene sheets, but these are not easily available on the market (or maybe I am not aware of a suitable provider in the EU).
In contrast, sheets in polyester are easily available, even in convenient A4 format (laser printable if necessary), but I thought polyester has poorer resistance to ethanol. Maybe I am too concerned?
Do you have any suggestions or experience to share?
Thank you and best regards,


Dr. Paolo G. ALBANO, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples, Italy

Research Associate, Department of Paleontology, University of Vienna, Austria

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