[Nhcoll-l] Dichotomous Keys to Bird Skulls

Pepijn Kamminga pepijn.kamminga at naturalis.nl
Tue Mar 2 01:54:08 EST 2021

Dear Josh,

I often walk into the same problem. Unfortunately I do not know of a
helpful identification key, but I find https://www.skullsite.com/ helpful
at times.

Kind regards,

Pepijn Kamminga
Senior Collection Manager Birds & Mammals

+31717519338 - -
pepijn.kamminga at naturalis.nl - www.naturalis.nl
Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden
Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden

<https://www.naturalis.nl/over-ons> <https://www.naturalis.nl/lang-leve>

Op ma 1 mrt. 2021 om 23:31 schreef Josh Pletcher <jrpletch at owu.edu>:

> Hello,
> We have several unidentified bird skulls in our collection that we are
> trying to identify. I was having trouble finding good dichotomous keys for
> bird skulls, so I was wondering if anybody had any recommendations. Most of
> the skulls are probably North American, but there are some that are
> definitely not (toucans, tinamous, and penguins for example).
> Thanks for your help,
> Josh Pletcher
> *Curator of Mammals and Paleontology*
> Brant Museum of Zoology
> Ohio Wesleyan University
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