[Nhcoll-l] SPNHC Education DemoCamp 2021

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Tue May 11 19:27:16 EDT 2021


The Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections Education Sessional Committee is hosting a virtual [ Natural History Collection Education DemoCamp
 ]( https://spnhc.org/education-democamp/ )The goal is to share, discover, and discuss educational materials that have a framework in natural history. This is building upon our previous iterations of the 'education share fair' that were hosted at the annual meeting. 

Where: Zoom, of course!

When: 28th and 29th of June, the amount of time blocks will be dependent on the number of presenters. 

Cost: Free!

[ Presenter registration ]( https://docs.google.com/forms/u/1/d/e/1FAIpQLSc-wvV0pxDutboRlywLETIICxEUOOFkJOAd7eAlms5lIdtSqQ/viewform ) is open until June 6th and[  general attendee registration ]( https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItcuqtqjMsG9GhIqNsWpIaNf7ilXh-gVeF ) will be open up until the event.Please see the [ website  ]( https://spnhc.org/education-democamp/ )for additional details and reach out to us with any questions: [ educationdemocamp at gmail.com ]( mailto:educationdemocamp at gmail.com )


Anna Monfils & Molly Philips, Committee Co-Chairs
Jen Bauer & Liz Leith, Committee Co-Secretary
Julie Robinson, Jessa Watters, & Kari Harris, Committee Members
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