[Nhcoll-l] DCMI Webinar - Natural history data curation

Adam Rountrey arountre at umich.edu
Thu Jan 27 17:32:51 EST 2022

Hi all,
There is an upcoming webinar on February 10th that might be of interest to
the list.  Note that registration is free, but you must enter the 'dcmi25'
discount code when you register.
Webinar - Natural history data curation: maintaining infrastructures and
turning documents into datasets

*This webinar is scheduled for February 10, 2022, 16:00 UTC (convert this
time to your local timezone here
and is free for DCMI members.*

This Webinar will be hosted by ASIS&T. Registration for DCMI webinars is
currently free, *but you will need to use the discount code 'dcmi25'* when
you register.

*Register Here
About the webinar

Natural history collections constitute an important and complex knowledge
infrastructure. The heterogeneous data in these collections include
specimens, genomes, field notes, ecological monitoring data, and more --
all of which have huge potential for reuse in biodiversity, medicine,
climate science, agriculture, and many other domains. However, facilitating
this integrative reuse requires first maintaining the fragile
infrastructures used to store and share these data, and second, novel
approaches to migrating data from legacy (and often analog) formats into
datasets that are more fit-for-use.

In this webinar, Dr. Thomer will discuss findings from two projects
tackling natural history data curation: one focusing on the maintenance and
migration of natural history databases, and another on the digitization and
mobilization of historical data. The webinar will be of interest to those
working with similar collections, as well as those interested in the
maintenance of knowledge organization, knowledge infrastructures and the
integrative reuse of scientific data. This webinar is hosted by the DCMI
Education Committee and will be moderated by Dr. Karen Wickett

Dr. Andrea Thomer is an Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan
School of Information. She conducts interdisciplinary research on
scientific data curation and on the maintenance and evolution of knowledge
infrastructures. She is especially interested in database curation,
integrative data reuse, and the collaborative use and curation of natural
science data. Dr. Thomer earned her doctorate at the School of Information
at the University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign in 2017. Prior to her
graduate work, she was an excavator and ad hoc data curator at the La Brea
Tar Pits in Los Angeles, California.

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