[Nhcoll-l] 2022 TORCH Meeting on August 10th

Diego Barroso dbarroso at brit.org
Fri Jul 1 15:07:46 EDT 2022

Dear Colleagues,

The Steering Committee of the Texas Oklahoma Regional Consortium of Herbaria (TORCH) would like to invite you to attend the 2022 annual TORCH meeting on August 10th, 2022, in Fort Worth, Texas, at the Fort Worth Botanic Garden and Botanical Research Institute of Texas. There will be no registration cost for the meeting; however, registration is required.

Register here: https://forms.gle/mH3HCQZuJTLKUvvK6 (deadline: July 29th)

This 1-day, in-person conference is ideal for students and professionals associated with TORCH herbaria, as well as herbaria that are involved in the currently funded TORCH digitization grant from the National Science Foundation. Highlights will include oral presentations and a poster session, as well as a business meeting to elect new members to the Steering Committee and to discuss matters of import to the Membership.

We are now accepting title submissions for oral presentations and posters. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, research and projects involving botany and mycology of Texas and Oklahoma, floristics, plant biogeography, plant ecology, digitization, herbarium management and protocols, educational and outreach activities, and public involvement in herbaria. Oral presentations will last 15 minutes, with 12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for questions. Speakers will be notified of the final schedule ca. August 3rd. Posters should be printed for display within a 4’ x 4’ area, and presenters will be asked to stand by their posters during a dedicated session. Otherwise, posters will be up for display the entire day.

Submit a poster or oral presentation here: https://forms.gle/9GPm7x3dKYVc3nAr8 (deadline: July 20th)

Please check the meeting webpage for agenda details as they become available, as well as additional information regarding lodging and meals: https://www.torcherbaria.org/meetings/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.torcherbaria.org/meetings/__;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!7_YCZcgeMt6ZHiXrbZWQgXp68_thbOxXi_RspNv9NePWymSMUCr8lN0bAzILo2iPwTPwvfY3rh9FndstY30$>.

We hope you’ll join us at this event, as our community is improved by having the contribution of all your voices!

Best Regards,

Diego Barroso and Tiana Rehman, on behalf of the TORCH Steering Committee

Diego Barroso | TORCH TCN Project Manager | Fort Worth Botanic Garden / Botanical Research Institute of Texas | dbarroso at brit.org | Ph. 817.332.4441 x 252 office, 817.463.4106 direct | BRIT.org & FWBG.org | 1700 University Dr., Fort Worth, TX 76107-3400 USA | Think Before You Print
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