[Nhcoll-l] Society of Herbarium Curators, Early Career Section - Call for nominations

Katelin Pearson katelin.d.pearson24 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 21 12:21:01 EDT 2022

Dear natural history collection professionals,

We are currently seeking nominations for multiple positions in the Early
Career Section of the Society of Herbarium Curators:

   - *ESPECIALLY NEEDED*: The *president elect* is responsible for
   supporting the functions of the section president and will assume the
   presidency after 1 year.
   - The *member-at-large* (2-year term) is responsible for attending
   meetings, serving on the nominating committee, and doing tasks as needed
   for the Section.
   - The *secretary *(2-year term) is responsible for maintaining the
   Section's archives and sending out mailings to our members.
   - The *professional development officer* (2-year term) is responsible
   for coordinating the discovery and dissemination of career options and
   professional development activities to our members.

These positions provide fantastic opportunities for professional
development, practicing leadership, and networking, especially for early
career herbarium professionals. Additional information about these
positions can be found in our constitution and bylaws (

Please consider nominating yourself or another herbarium professional for
one of these positions. Prior experience is not expected or required, but
you need not be an early career professional to be nominated.

Please don't hesitate to contact Tilo Roy (troy1 at missouriwestern.edu) with
nominations or any questions.
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